Hello to all TCB members and friends!
At the June meeting, members voted to not have a meeting in July. We will however, have a meeting in August and we will have a guest speaker for that meeting.
A representative from the League of Women Voters will be coming to speak to us at our August meeting to enlighten us on issues that should be very high on our priority list as our right to us as American citizens. They will inform us on how to stay up with the most recent information pertaining to elections and candidates. Come be educated so you can act on your civic duty.
The August TCB meeting will take place on the second Friday of the month, August 10th at the West Tulsa Free Will Baptist Church located at 930 W. 23rd Place. The meeting will begin at 6 PM and we will adjourn no later than 7:30 P.M.. If you plan to eat dinner with us before the meeting, please try to arrive no later than 5:30 P.M.. Cost for dinner is $5 per person, and details of what that will be will be announced as soon as possible.
Please come and find out everything you need to know about being an educated voter in this election year!
Julie Bailey
TCB President