Saturday, March 23, 2013

Let NLS Know What You Think - Survey

TCB members and friends, this is just one way to let your opinions be known about a service that a lot of us already use. Let NLS know what you think.


The Library of Congress National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped (NLS) is conducting a survey to understand how to better serve the needs of readers of talking books and braille. Take the survey now to let your opinions be heard and help us better serve you! You do not have to be a current NLS reader to take the survey. The survey should take no longer than 25 minutes. It will be used to improve services to current readers and to find out what services readers of talking books and braille are looking for. 

If you are not currently using NLS, let us know what services you want and how we can add you to our list of NLS readers. If you are a current NLS reader, let us know what we are doing well, where we can improve, and what new services you would like NLS to offer. 

You can take the survey in one of two ways - take the survey anytime online at (www.libraryofcongresssurvey.comor call in to schedule a time to take the survey over the phone by calling 866-545-1618. Your answers to the survey questions will be kept confidential. Your responses will not be linked to you individually. Survey responses will only be reported at an aggregate level, meaning we will combine your responses with those of others who are similar to you. 

Please take the survey only once.