Saturday, June 15, 2013

TCB Meeting Minutes - June 15, 2013

June 14, 2013 TCB Minutes

Vice President Fallin called the meeting to order at approximately 6 pm. Everyone introduced themselves and there were 17 total. Board members Allison, Jeri, Jesse, Darla and Bill were present. TCB, with the assistance of Juliet and Paul, provided the food which was pizza. Jean Self provided brownies for dessert.

Our speaker, Debbie Ruggles from Tulsa Transit was introduced and she spoke about the upcoming changes concerning lift transportation policies. Everyone appreciated her coming and explaining what can be a confusing but very necessary change in the lift policy.

A short meeting was conducted following her presentation.
The secretary's minutes were tabled as one was not provided from the last meeting.

The treasurer's report was accepted as distributed through email.

An update was given concerning the bowlathon tomorrow and everyone was encouraged to come and have fun and donate.

Jesse offered the suggestion of going to the fish aquarium on August 3. Cost is $14 per person which includes the tour and lunch. it was suggested to have volunteers to help describe the visual surroundings. It was moved and seconded to accept this idea and plans will be forth coming through email.

Vice President Fallin gave an update on Julie Bailey and stated she is recuperating at home after her neck surgery. TCB gave a $25 gift certificate and fluffy purple pillow which Julie thanked the members for their thoughts and gifts.

An update was given about the upcoming OCB convention to be held September 20 through 22 at the Marriott hotel in OKC. Details will be coming out on the listserv.

Meeting was fairly short and we were reminded we will not be meeting in July because of the national ACB convention.

Meeting adjourned at approximately 7:25.

Submitted by Jeri Cooper