TCB March 2013 Meeting Minutes
The meeting was called to order by President Julie Bailey. Everyone announced themselves in turn. Julie welcomed all and acknowledged those having birthdays and anniversaries during the month of March.
Allison Fallin announced our guest speaker Markus Makar. Mr. Makar spoke
about how he got started with the trapeze and informed all about his school
he is attempting to get started in Tulsa. He invited TCB members and friends
to come for a tour of his facility and a lesson free of charge when the school is opened.
Jesse Martinez gave a treasurer's report. A motion and a second were given to approve the report as given. The report was approved.
Allison gave everyone an update on Joe.
Members were reminded about Disability Awareness Day at the capital coming
up on April 3rd. Members were asked to contact Julie Bailey or Jeri Cooper if they were in need of transportation so that it could be arranged.
A recap of the trip to the capital to be present when the Bill 858 was presented was given by Julie Bailey. Members making the trip were Marion McFadden, Jeri Cooper, Darla Cook and Julie and David Bailey. The Bill was defeated and Julie described how empowered she felt to be a part of the blind presence in the room during the proceedings.
David Bailey provided transportation to the capital and requested compensation for expenses. Because a quorum was not present at this meeting, a vote could not be taken at this time and will be presented again at the April meeting.
Julie Bailey had a list of the newly created committees and proposed chairs. She asked for confirmation from those present and all present were confirmed.
Allison Fallin, Speaker Committee chair informed all about the speaker for May from Consumer Credit Counseling.
Jesse Martinez, Activities Chair gave an update on some of the activities planned for the next few months for TCB members and friends.
The meeting was adjourned.
Jeri Cooper