Saturday, August 10, 2013

TCB Meetings, August 9, 2013

August 9, 2013
TCB Minutes

Meeting was called to order shortly after 6 pm and there were 13 present. Vice President Fallin asked for everyone to introduce themselves and we were pleased to see Julie Bailey doing so well after her surgery. The church provided spaghetti, salad, corn, bread, brownies and peach cobbler. We also want to thank Darla for bringing cookies. 

We thanked Jesse for arranging our great outing at the Jenks aquarium August 3. There were 32 in attendance and all stated they had a wonderful time.

The secretary and treasurer's report were accepted as distributed. Final balance in the treasury is $2736.

David and Jeri gave an update on our bowlathon which only raised a little over $550.  We had 17 in attendance but those who came had a good time.

An update was given on the upcoming OCB convention which will be held September 20-22 in OKC at the Wyndham Garden. Hotel rates are $81plus tax.  Registration for the Friday seminar is $50 if you plan to only attend this event. The cost to attend the Friday seminar and the rest of the convention is $100. If you plan to attend the convention after the seminar, the registration is $80. Six meals are included during the three days. The theme is D.E.A.L which stands for Development, Empowerment, Advocacy, and Leadership. Melanie Brunson who is our Executive Director of ACB will be our main keynote speaker. You can read more details about the convention on the OCB website

Jesse gave some ideas about promoting awareness for White Cane Awareness day and more information will be forthcoming. He spoke of us walking around the area of the Oneoaks ballpark and the new location of KOTV. We did agree to use Spaghetti Warehouse as a fundraiser. Individuals eating there can donate 10% of their cost towards TCB. Jesse will obtain more specificdetails since the members were in agreement to do this.

We discussed other ideas of fundraising and Allison explained about the 10% of all proceeds being donated to TCB at the 83rd and Memorial location of a pizza place called Top That Pizza. More details will need to be finalized but Julie will check into what day we could utilize this opportunity for TCB. Certain day and times will be designated.

Vice President Fallin stated there will be a speaker in September from a company called You Buy We Fly, which provides delivery services. 

It was discussed and voted on to pay out for 10 TCB scholarships for one person per family to attend the OCB convention. This is $80 each to cover the cost of registration.

Vice President Fallin asked for volunteers for the nominating committee ad new officers will need to be elected in November. Julie, Darla and Jeri volunteered so if anyone is wanting to run for any of the officers positions to please notify one of these people. 

David and Julie stated they would bring a sandwich tray from Reasors (or somewhere) along with various ones bringing cookies for our September meeting.

Meeting was adjourned at 7 pm.

Jeri Cooper