Come one! Come all! There are many reasons to attend this month's meeting. Want a list? Okay, you ask for it!
1. First and foremost to celebrate and congratulate President Julie Bailey for passing her Certification for Vision Rehabilitation Therapist exam!
2. To be informed and enlightened by our speaker, John Dessauer, from the Consumer Credit Counseling. He has a lot of great information that everyone can benefit from!
3. To discuss upcoming activities and fun events!
4. Eat and visit with a great group of folks!
5. Celebrate that hopefully the cold weather is finally gone?
Let's eat at 5:30 and the meeting will begin at 6 p.m. and adjourn at 7:30.
Location is West Tulsa Freewill Baptist Church, Family Life Center, 930 W. 23rd Place.
Look forward to seeing you and come prepared to have a great time!
Jeri Cooper